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About Climatescope

Climatescope is an online market assessment tool, report and index that evaluates individual markets’ readiness to put energy transition investment to work. A deep dive into how surveyed markets are driving the energy transition, it provides snapshots of current clean energy policy and finance conditions that can lead to future capital deployment and project development.

This is the 12th edition of Climatescope, and the project has evolved significantly since its launch more than a decade ago. It now includes detailed information on 140 markets, including 110 emerging markets and 30 developed ones. This year, four new markets have been added to the coverage: Bahrain, Iceland, Montenegro and Venezuela.

Climatescope’s sectoral coverage has also expanded over the years. While early editions of the report focused on just the power sector, in 2021 we began including in-depth investment condition data for lower-carbon transportation and buildings.

Climatescope now encompasses nearly every market in the world*. Developed markets are defined as OECD countries minus Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Turkey. These five are part of the OECD but remain attractive emerging markets for clean energy development. Developing markets include all non-OECD markets, plus these five.

This report summarizes research undertaken by over 50 BloombergNEF analysts compiling detailed data on Climatescope markets.




Project Director
Luiza Demôro

Project Manager
Sofia Maia

Lead Analyst
Maria Eugênia Mitri

Country Transition Analysts
Ana Paula Teixeira and Laura Foroni

Lead Modeller
Ulimmeh Ezekiel

Communications Manager
Oktavia Catsaros

Ben Vickers, Emma Champion, Kamala Schelling and Nilushi Karunaratne.

Research and Data Gathering Analysts

Adriana Martins, Allen Tom Abraham, Amanda Welch, Analeigh Suh, Antoine Vagneur-Jones, Arhnue Tan, Brenna Casey, Brynne Mary, Caroline Chua, Chasity McFadden, Claudio Lubis, Cristian Dinca, Derrick Flakoll, Ellie Gomes-Callus, Emma Champion, Enrique Gonzalez, Eva Gonzalez Isla, Evelina Stoikou, Felicia Aminoff, Isshu Kikuma, James Ellis, Javier Rico, Kesha Savarimuthu, Komal Kareer, Kostas Pegios, Laura Rockefeller, Leonard Quong, Luisa Amorim, Maynie Yun Ling Yang, Murilo Macedo, Natalia Rypl, Omolade Fasusi, Philip Geurts, Rodrigo Quintero, Sabrina Lin, Sahaj Sood, Sophia F Liu, Stephanie Muro, Sunny Park, Tara Narayanan, Tianyi Zhao, Toshiya Shinagawa, Trina White, Tushna Antia, Ulimmeh Ezekiel, Vicky Adijanto, Vinicius Nunes, Yiran Bian, Youru Tan

Special thanks

Adithya Bhashyam, Albert Cheung, Aleksandra O'Donovan, Alessandro Borsatti, Alex Toft, Ali Izadi-Najafabadi, Amar Vasdev, Andrew Turner, Benjamin Kafri, Chuiling Yip, Corey Cantor, Cristina Poiata, David Hostert, Dario Traum, Ethan Zindler, James Batty, Jon Moore, Jo Willard, Kamala Schelling, Matthias Kimmel, Meredith Annex, Olaf Veerman, Victoria Cuming, Tom Rowlands-Rees, Richard Zimerman, and the many energy sector stakeholders that shared country-level information with our analysts.

Additional insights
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Climatescope 2023 print report cover

Power Transition Factbook

This marks the 12th anniversary of Climatescope, BNEF’s annual assessment of energy transition opportunities. In recent years, the project has been expanded to include activity not just in clean power, but also in the decarbonization of transportation and buildings.

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